
Showing posts from 2018


HEALTHY MIND FOR A HEALTHY LIFE The nature of the mind is to wander, to move about, to continuously produce images and concepts. It has a life of its own, it can be our best friend or our worst enemy. "Nothing in the world can do you greater good than a mind well-control. Nothing in the world can do you greater harm than a mind out of control" - the Buddha. So, what is a "strong mind"? A strong mind is a mind under your control. How can you gain greater control of the capricious mind? By finding your center, and learning to exercise your natural powers of attention and focus. Controlling the mind can be a very difficult task. It takes a good amount of time,patience, awareness and skill to know your mind, let alone to control and improve it. But lets give it a try and let me tell you what I know. Mind is having different parts: 0. Subconscious 1. Concentration/Focus 2. Awareness 3. Memory 4. Imagination 5. Emotions 6. Conscience/...


HOW REAL ARE GHOSTS, ARE THEY REALLY EXIST??? Throughout history, ghosts were accepted as real. Shakespeare and his fellow dramatists featured them liberally. Macbeth reacts to Banquo’s ghost, and the ghost of Hamlet’s father sets in motion the action of that play. I believe in the concept of “When there is light, there exist shadow too”. I mean if we believe in god, we must believe in evils too. I never had any story whenever people used to talk about ghosts and spirits. I was always in the category of listeners and the one who used to get scared by such stories (Especially at night). As culture became more scientifically minded, seeing ghosts came to be considered more of a psychological phenomenon. Readers took the three ghosts in Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, for instance, as figments of Scrooge’s imagination rather than disembodied physical spirits. That said, ghosts, or rather empirical proof of ghosts, have eluded the living for centuries. Many cultures throughout ...

How to travel on a good budget and for a good mental health

How To Travel On a Good   Budget and For A Good Mental Health Travel/Traveling is regarded a (verb or action) make a journey, to move from one place to another place. Everyone has their very own reasons to travel.   Some people travel for work, some travel for pleasure while for others it is just a way of life. They travel to live and to escape at the same time. It makes you open minded; it allows you to get in touch with new people, to learn their culture, their language, their cuisine, their history, there way of life.  When you travel, you begin to notice that people spread across different geographical corners of the world may be different in the way they behave and act and represent themselves, but after all they are all people, like you and me. You’ve finally decided to take that trip you’ve been dreaming about for years. You’ve chosen a destination and read all about it in a guidebook or online. But how much will this trip cost? How much money do you ne...


HEALTHY EATING FOR HEALTHY LIVING A Healthy and balanced nutrition is the key to a fit body, active mind, and beautiful glowing skin. For a healthy diet the four important questions to be addressed in order of their importance are How We Eat, What We Eat, When We Eat & How Much We Eat .Following the below mentioned simple five rules address all the above four points and have a number of profound benefits in our overall well being. Always remember that “We Are What We Eat”, hence utmost importance should be given to our eating habits.  Being fit and healthy doesn’t mean you have to work out for hours every day or eat boiled vegetables and chicken for a very meal. In fact, there are several more effective habits which are less painful, you can adopt today that will not only help you get in shape in the short-term but will help you stay healthy and fit that way for the long run as well. Simple lifestyle changes can help you get health fitness and live a healt...

How to be a real and true friend

How to be a real and true friend A true friend is someone who has your back when things are going very wrong in your life.  You'll know when you find them. Maybe you'll start off as strangers, and get to know each other slowly. Maybe things will fall into place quickly after that—“Oh, you do this too?! I thought I was the only one!”—and you realize you have more in common than you thought previously. It takes a lot endurance and patience to be a good friend Being loyal is easy until the one is right, until you don't need to suggest, remind, advice or warn  "in 4 eyes"  by being direct, open but private(~) . I personally don't approve judging as an act which befits to a human, I consider it as Lord's job only. No matter how much we communicate, our basic knowledge and language barriers even in a maternal language are never 1000 per mills helpful to achieve total understanding. We can't judge because our perceptions of what is apparent are    ...

A Fit Body Leads To a Fit Mind

A Fit Body Leads To a Fit Mind Staying healthy and in shape is often something that appeals to people at certain points (think New Year!) but then often gets pushed to the bottom of your importance list! The common excuses people make are to complain about not having enough time to exercise. I personally think they are lying to themselves. The real problem is that they hate exercising, so it will never be a priority. I used to hate exercising too. Going to the gym, running and most forms of physical activity seemed dull and painful compared to most other ways I could spend my time. But by not giving up and looking for a way I could enjoy working out, I reversed this pattern. Now I exercise 5-7 times per week. I actually hate not being able to go training! A few years ago, neuro scientists Stanley Colcombe and Arthur Kramer summarized the results from roughly two-dozen studies looking at the impact of exercise on the mental health of adults over the age of 55. In th...

Making Sense About Relationships

Making Sense About Relationships Having a relationship is a very important thing to have in anyone's life. A relationship can be with your guy friends, a girl friends, or family related. When people think of relationships, they usually think of having a boyfriend or girlfriend as a lover.But there are many, Having a good relationship with your family is very important. It is always good to have a nice relationship with your family because you can gain trust and you know that they are always there for you. When you are in a relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend, they can always judge you by how they want you and not always be true to you.  But Your family will always tell you the truth and will not say things they do not mean just for acceptance. Having true friends is still one of the best relationships you can have. Friends are different than your parents because there are just some things you do not do with your parents. You can talk to your friend's different, ...