Making Sense About Relationships

Making Sense About Relationships

Having a relationship is a very important thing to have in anyone's life. A relationship can be with your guy friends, a girl friends, or family related. When people think of relationships, they usually think of having a boyfriend or girlfriend as a lover.But there are many, Having a good relationship with your family is very important. It is always good to have a nice relationship with your family because you can gain trust and you know that they are always there for you. When you are in a relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend, they can always judge you by how they want you and not always be true to you. 

But Your family will always tell you the truth and will not say things they do not mean just for acceptance. Having true friends is still one of the best relationships you can have. Friends are different than your parents because there are just some things you do not do with your parents. You can talk to your friend's different, act different, and do activities that you do not do with your family.

Before making sense about Relationship we have to understand difference between love and relationships.

Love and relationship is two different thing but totally depends upon each other.

First what is love?

Love is not a temporary feelings or emotions,

emotions and feelings change day by day,

but something which is ever lasting is love..

it is not finding your happiness in someones, and wanting you to give first priority.. love is something which is beyond conditions and cons and pros.

have you ever seen any flower and liked it so much that you picked it and keep it with you, no thats not love, love is to stay that wherever it is happy and caring it at that condition..

What is Relationship?

Relationship is sub part of love, If you love a girl and your feelings and understanding matches you both will be in a relation, a kind of relation which is totally imaginary.

If you are in a relationship you love, you care, you understands as soon as your relationship over your love starts fading, the person who used to care about you stopped caring. As soon as relationship over your love over. This is a bitter truth, Accept it. And whenever a person accepts it no one can stop him/ her being happy for the rest of the life.

Making Sense of Love and Relationships

By evaluating relationship choices on these emotional and practical levels, it is possible to make some sense out of seemingly confusing and contradictory romantic behaviors. For example, we can now see why individuals may make various trade-offs when choosing a mate. We can also explain why we may have very different criteria for what we find emotionally appealing in a partner versus what we find compatible with our lives. It can also help explain how it is possible to love someone unconditionally, yet not be able to have a satisfying relationship with them.

With this perspective, we can also see how the step-by-step development of relationships balances  various dimensions. For example, we often build an emotional connection through touching and making eye contact early in dating, as well as work toward building a more practical rapport through conversation. In more established relationships, we may give gifts, while also building an emotional sense of gratitude for each other.

Therefore, whatever stage or step you are on in your romantic relationship, it helps to evaluate things from both an emotional and a practical perspective. If your relationship starts to feel too much like a business partnership or dispassionate friendship, perhaps it is time to spice things up with an exciting activity together. If your relationship feels like it is lacking in substance and not meeting the needs of yourself and your partner, however, then perhaps it is time to pay more attention to the actual practical exchange between you both. Overall then, by considering and balancing these emotional and practical dimensions, step-by-step along the way, you can avoid the confusion—and build a more loving and satisfying intimate relationship.
